The Autorouter finds a suitable route for your flight in no time and immediately presents a preliminary fuel and time overview of fuel together with a cost summary, including e.g. overflight charges.
All routes created by our system automatically comply with Eurocontrol RAD/CDR/DCT and CPLC restrictions and are checked to be Eurocontrol valid. You can also easily search for a route with up-to-date NAT tracks, choose ETOPS/Adequate Enroute Alternate or create an RCF procedure scenario. Moreover, you still are able to set additional criteria for the Autorouter to follow, such as avoiding routes, intersections, FIRs/UIRs or forcing use of a specific routing for a segment of the flight.
The Autorouter uses an advanced algorithm to find the optimal route using the latest forecast of upper wind and temperature. You can also browse through the database of more than 4 million routes flown by other operators or utilise one of the Eurocontrol proposed routes.
Fine tune your route interactively on the map or text-edit it manually directly in an FPL field 15. All your routes can be saved, organised in a folder structure and, most importantly, easily shared with your fellow dispatchers.